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Online Account Overview

DCSS HomeOnline AccountOnline Account Overview

When you are logged in to your online account, you can view payment information, create, and save account statements, email your local district office, and update your own contact information.

The information you will see depends on whether you are paying or receiving support.

All individuals with a registered online account can view the dates and amounts of payments. Users can also create and save a Payment History, a Support Obligation Summary, or a statement that combines these. Everyone with an online account can email their local child support office directly.

Receiving SupportPaying Support
DisbursementsAccount statements
Account statementsPayment coupon
Monthly NoticeEmail local district offices
Email local district offices

You'll need a Personal Identification Number (PIN)

A 5-digit child support PIN is required to set up your online child support account. This PIN is automatically assigned when your child support account is opened and mailed to you in an official notice from the NYS Child Support Processing Center. You cannot reset or change this PIN.

If you do not have the official notice with your PIN, call 888-208-4485 (TTY: 866-875-9975) to have it mailed to you. (For security purposes your PIN cannot be provided to you over the phone.)

You will need to verify your identity with your full name, Social Security number (SSN), New York Case identifier(s) and your mailing address. You can also mail a written request to the following address: Attn: PIN, NYS Child Support Processing Center, PO Box 15365, Albany, NY 12212-5365. A written request must also include your signature.

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