Access Child Support Services Safely


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Get Child Support Safely

New York State's Child Support Program is committed to making this process as safe as possible for parents and their children. It is important to have both parents contribute to the economic well-being of their children.

You can speak privately to a child support worker whenever you're concerned about your safety

New York State is committed to the safety of all families. Many state agencies ask routine questions so the right services can be provided. You can always speak privately to a child support worker if you have concerns about your children's or your own safety at any time during the child support process.

Consider these questions to decide if you want to speak privately about safety concerns:

How do you feel?

If you answer "No" to any of these statements, you may want to talk privately with a child support worker about steps to help keep you and your children safe.

Has the other parent…?

These behaviors all suggest a potential for safety concerns that may be considered during the child support process. You can talk privately with a child support worker about resources, policies, and procedures to help keep you and your children safe during this process.

If you need to talk to someone immediately about safety







NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline
Free, confidential, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in most languages

Highly trained advocates are available to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic or sexual violence seeking resources or information or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.

Is it safe to pursue child support?

If the New York State Child Support Program is aware of your safety concerns, we can help.

Public benefits and child support

Talk about your safety concerns with your temporary assistance caseworker and your child support worker at any time throughout the process. If you indicate the presence of domestic violence, a referral will be made to the Domestic Violence Liaison (DVL). The DVL will assess your situation and determine the need for a domestic violence waiver for Child Support. Please note that meeting with a DVL is voluntary and any disclosure is kept confidential.

Your safety is a priority

The safety of families applying for or receiving child support services is critically important. There are parts of the child support process that may raise safety concerns. These processes may be modified or eliminated to help address these concerns.

You may have concerns that Child Protective Services (CPS) will become involved if you disclose family violence. Child Support workers focus on child support. They are only required to make a report to CPS if they have reasonable cause to suspect a child is being harmed or in imminent danger of harm. CPS is not involved in any decision to set or enforce child support.

Custodial parents may update information about safety at any time, even if they've previously indicated no concerns to their child support worker. Situations change and safety is always a priority.

Family Violence Resources

The New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV)

If you are unsafe at home, reach out to an advocate at any time. Private and secure phone, text or chat services are available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day.

TEXT 844-997-2121
CALL 800-942-6906

You are not alone. If you're not sure if you are a victim of domestic violence, use this OPDV checklist to help you identify whether you are being abused by your partner.

The OPDV website offers access to information regarding special protections available under the law to help keep you safe while accessing benefits and resources.

The New York State Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is a cost-free State program that allows you as a survivor of domestic violence to protect your actual address. You are assigned a substitute address which you can use for receipt of all first-class, registered and certified mail.

The New York State Unified Court System

Whether you are ready to leave the abuser or not, the NYS Unified Court System provides resources that have free and private help and information.

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)

The abuse of children and families is against the law. Find out how you can report abuse and get domestic abuse support.

The OCFS web site offers a list of domestic violence services available in every county in the state.

New York City Human Resources Administration (NYC HRA)

The NYC HRA website's Domestic Violence Support page offers access to a wide variety of resources including community based domestic violence services and the Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Program.